2nd Project Pollinate Live Hive Dive

Hey Everybody! Sorry It's been SO long since my last blog post. Indeed it has proven to be a busy bee year! I have expanded my local client base with Santa Cruz Bee Co, continued my work with Napa Valley Bee Co and I am still teaching my beekeeping classes at Cabrillo College. This spring, I contracted out some of my queen rearing skills to local bee supplier Wings of Nature Bees. I've been enjoying volunteering as the president of the Santa Cruz Bee Guild, donating my time and expertise to Project Pollinate and having a blast bringing the Observation Hive to community events! If you don't already, follow my instagram handle (my "mini blog") @santacruzbeecompany and like my company's FB page @scbeeco.


Thanks for your support and appreciation of local, sustainable beekeeping!